
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
01 Apr

“Toronto” Video and Single just went LIVE!

Hey one and all,

After days, weeks and months of putting this all together our newest Single “Toronto” has just been released for international download!

I won’t bore you with the details, needless to say you can get it from, and very shortly iTunes.

I would like to take this chance though to thank every single one of you who has come to a show, listened to our music or told a friend about us.

I also have to personally thank my own friends and family, especially Pip for putting up with my constant babbling about the band and all of the other things they’ve done to help me out along the way. You know who you are and you need to know I appreciate it a whole heap!

Lastly, I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it! 🙂

Peace out,


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